Contact: Conference Team
Use ‘Email Now’ below to contact the team if you have any queries about the meeting.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, our 2021 conference was a virtual experience. While we missed the traditional opportunities to meet with our colleagues and partners face to face, we were delighted to connect with you virtually.
Catch up with all the exciting conference content
- Rewatch your favourite sessions via the HIV Scotland YouTube Channel
- Explore presentation materials via HIV Scotland's SlideShare
Organised by a cross-sector partnership, this brand new biennial conference will be used to highlight new and emerging issues and research, support workforce development and connect communities and those working within the SHBBV field in Scotland, the UK and internationally. At its heart will be discussion and debate around sexual health, blood-borne viruses and sexual wellbeing in Scotland.
Conference Programme and Terms & Conditions
Conference Programme (PDF version) updated 13/10/2021
*Please note the programme is subject to change.
View our Conference Terms & Conditions (PDF Version)
Who Can Attend
Sex, Drugs & Scotland's Health free virtual conference is due to take place 19-21 October. The conference will bring together third sector organisations, academics, researchers and healthcare professionals who are committed to making Scotland a healthier country.
- NHS - Clinician, Nurse, Healthcare Worker, Health Promotion Specialist or anyone else who works in the NHS
- Third Sector - Workers in Sexual Health charitable organisations
- Community - Service users, People living with HIV, Hepatitis C and Blood borne viruses, people who use drugs, MSM, trans and nonbinary people
- Academia- students and staff
Organising Committee
The conference organisers are HIV Scotland, supported by members of IReSH and Dundee & Angus Convention Bureau, with strategic input and guidance from a Steering Committee composed of members from: Terrence Higgins Trust, Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH), The University of Edinburgh, Waverley Care, NHS Lothian, Scottish Drugs Forum, MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit - University of Glasgow.
- Alastair Hudson, Conference Co-Chair (HIV Scotland)
- Ingrid Young, Conference Co-Chair (IReSH, University of Edinburgh)
- Julie Riddell (University of Glasgow)
- Nicoletta Policek (HIV Scotland)
- Becky Earl (HIV Scotland)
- Sally Brown (University of Edinburgh)
- Jimmy Hunter (THT Scotland)
- Alan Eagleson (THT Scotland)
- Rosie Ilett (FSRH)
- Adrienne Hannah (SDF)
- Zhong Eric Chen (NHS Lothian)
- Jo Sykes (Waverly Care)
- Debbie Ree (Dundee & Angus Convention Bureau)
Opportunity for Sponsors & Exhibitors
Sex, Drugs & Scotland’s Health will attract a diverse range of stakeholders from across the sexual health and blood-borne virus sector. Sponsorship supports the organising of the conference and ensures that it can remain free to attend for everyone – increasing access to learning, development and information. We welcome corporate and individual sponsors.
The conference will host a virtual exhibit hall with fully customizable booths that will enable exhibitors to upload videos and other marketing materials. During the conference, you will be able to engage with attendees from across Scotland via virtual meeting rooms and live chat functions.
Our Partners
- HIV Scotland
- Terrence Higgins Trust
- Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH)
- The University of Edinburgh
- Waverley Care
- NHS Lothian
- Scottish Drugs Forum
- MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit - University of Glasgow
- Gilead
- Public Health Scotland
- Simplitude ByMe
- ViiV Healthcare
Get Social
Follow Sex, Drugs and Scotland's Health 2021 on Twitter, and join the online conversation using our official event hashtag #shbbvscot
Engage with the online community during the conference in the following ways:
- Share your key takeaways using #shbbvscot
- Search for #shbbvscot on Twitter and engage with other attendees
Conference Privacy Policy
View our Conference Privacy Policy - (pdf version)
Contact Us
For conference enquiries please email
Explore our Destination - Dundee, Angus, Fife & Perthshire
We would have loved to have met you in person at our event, but for now, we have put together a collection of virtual visitor experiences of our beautiful corner of Scotland and hope to welcome you one day soon.